Monday, January 3, 2011

Why India?

How many times have I asked myself the question, "Lord, why India?". Lord why do I have this desire be an advocate for the women and children of India? It's been four years since the first seeds were planted in my heart for India. I was tempted at times to hop on a plane and go because I could not stand the thought of women and children living each day not knowing their worth and value in Christ. In God's wisdom I was held back from hopping on that plane, and He simply said to me, "Not now. Wait and pray and I will tell you when". Ugh!!!! It's grueling waiting and not knowing, but He had spoken so I waited...and waited. 

Over the course of four years my heart and passion for India grew, specifically for the women and children there. I do not fully understand God's plan for me and India but I do know that I am grateful to be a part of it with Him. I have said YES to this calling whether it's to be a part of it through prayer continually for the women and children who are being oppressed, or if it's to be their voice here at home to bring awareness, or if it's to actively serve them my entire life.

At the end of the day my prayer is best spoken through the words of Isaiah when he says, "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?" So... Yes, Lord I want to be a part of this with you. Please break my heart for what breaks yours and fill me with the courage to do the things I have been called to do. I love you Father and it's in You I put my hope and faith.

In Christ's Love,

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